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True stories inspired by the theme "BiSHOP" told live by the people who lived them. Curated stories intermixed with a community story slam.CHECK iT, MATEIn the game of life, are…

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29 April 2025
Jack’s Urban Meeting Place, 1000 West Myrtle Street, Boise, ID 83702
Boise, ID 83702 US
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15th Anniversary Special

As part of our 15th Anniversary season we revisit our previous venue: El Korah (2014-2016). Hosted by the original host, Jessica Holmes.More details to come as we build this special…

Find out more
23 June 2025
Shrine Social Club, 1118 W Idaho St, Boise, ID 83702
Boise, ID 83702 US
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The ultimate conductor, the maestro of merriment, the captain of ceremonies — our witty emcees bring that special sauce.


Selected brave souls from our community tell true stories on a theme, live from the stage with no notes.


These spontaneous storytellers drop their name in a hat during the event in hopes to be randomly drawn to tell a 5-minute story.


Local musicians open the show by serenading the audience with a sound the sets the mood of the nightly theme.

You can be a storyteller too.

Everyone has a story. Times infinity. So boldly go there. At Story Story Night, there’s no such thing as an ordinary life, because twists and turns are part of the human experience. These surprising moments often edge us out of our comfort zone in hilarious, strange, illuminating ways—then change our course entirely. Do tell.


The Story Universe

Get in on the illuminating power of Story Story Night—the storytelling nonprofit phenomenon that lights up the Boise community and beyond every month with electric real-life stories. All centered on a theme. Told live and without notes. We’ve got a range of membership levels that give you great perks and access. We offer up a limited-space opportunity to support a show, a season, a studio, or the entire shebang. And we even give fist bumps for tax-deductible donations. Show your support. Then make a real show of it.


Dig into powerful scenes from real experience. Then tell it like it is. In the Story Story Studio, find how to tease out extraordinary moments from your so-called “ordinary” life. And develop the concepts and connections that make stories spark with truth, power, insight, and humor. A Studio guide walks you through to steps to develop an engaging true story based on personal experience. So you can present your most authentic self to the world.







The Story Wave

Surf’s up. Here’s a quick tip from one of our exclusive Studio worksheets. A story rises and fall like a wave, and is just as thrilling of a ride. Using telling details, scenes, and dialogue, tension builds up to an unexpected turn that shifts your point of view entirely. (Even if you felt underwater at the moment.) The power of the story washes over you (and everyone else). Then, just land it.


The Origin Story

Story Story Night strives to be relevant, empowering, and exhilarating to its audiences, community, and the world by staging events that electrify and illuminate our lives. A long, long time ago (ok, 2010), four people came together to create Story Story Night: Jessica Holmes, Hollis Welsh (then at Alley Repertory Theater), Clay Morgan (then at the Boise State Story Initiative), and Paul Shaffer (then at The Cabin).

Armed with jaw-dropping graphic design by Neighborhood All-Stars, the live storytelling show hit the stage at The Linen Building with BUSTED, where it immediately became a sold-out phenomenon (fitting, since CRUSHES was next up). Now a 501(c)3 nonprofit with legit staying power, Story Story Night provides a forum and a format for the community to share real experiences. In a wide range of shows and studios, Story Story Night explores the power and possibility of personal narratives and helps people of different perspectives connect and reflect on the common threads that unite us all.


Story Story Night builds community and inspires connection through authentic storytelling.


Story Story Night shares the power of live storytelling in Idaho through performances, workshops and partnerships.

City of Boise’s Cultural Ambassador

The City of Boise Cultural Ambassador program is designed to share Boise’s cultural andcreative community with other cities across the globe and foster connection to global audiences. Acting as Boise’s honorary representative to the world, the Cultural Ambassador engages with national and international audiences through the public expression of culture that helps develop, document, research, share, or reflect upon Boise’s cultural life.

Boise Arts, Culture & History Anti-Racism Statement & Action Steps

Our Coalition of arts, culture and history organizations is committed to dismantling systemic racism in our community. This includes the oppressive impacts of segregation, mass incarceration, and educational, economic and environmental discrimination; all of which are born from slavery. The arts and culture community has perpetuated white supremacy through appropriation and tokenization, such as recruiting Black people for shows, exhibits and performances without integrating them into positions of sustained leadership. Although there has never been a time in America when Black art wasn’t a driving cultural force, we have used a white lens to define quality and influence. Our histories have also been written through the white lens, discounting and ignoring facts and stories of Black Americans. We must do better.

We believe Idahoans will benefit from holding each other accountable to create an equitable and inclusive community where Black art and Black history matters.



For past seasons and the complete, official podcast, check out Story Story Night’s SoundCloud. Subscribe now on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.

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