April 29 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
In the game of life, are you playing 4D chess or losing a game of checkers? Checkmate. Stalemate. Blundering your way through? Whether you’ve made all the right or all the wrong moves, you’re winning the storytelling game across the board. Way to rack up the aura points.
Get your Bobby Fischer wits about you, and check (out) the 15 th anniversary season of Story Story Night. With true stories on PAWN to KiNG themes—starring featured storytellers mixed with an open storyslam—it’s a 200 IQ move.
YOUR TURN? Our true stories are like a chess contest. You’ve got the opening, middlegame, and endgame—and no matter how much strategy we think we’ve devised—every turn is a surprise. Be featured this season by sharing your story moves to